Linear Repair Resources

Linear Garage Door Repair (Troubleshooting)

Troubleshooting Chart

Lamp Flashes Trouble Code Problem Cause Remedy
1 FLASH No Problem Remote control entered into memory Add any additional remote controls (MegaCode™ type only)
2 FLASHES Door won’t close Shorted wall station wires Check wall station wires. Be sure both are connected to the terminal screws. Check for a staple in the wall station wires. Remove any staples compressing the wire
3 FLASHES Door won’t close Safety beam obstacle Check for obstacles. Align the safety beam
4 FLASHES Door reverses or won’t open or close Open or Close force exceeded Check for obstruction or binding of garage door. Perform fi eld reset (Section 19) if necessary.
5 FLASHES Door won’t open Remote was activated while vacation switch was locked Unlock vacation switch on wall station
6 FLASHES Motor ran longer than 30 seconds Mechanical or electronic failure Call Technical Services Group for assistance
7 FLASHES Limit error Encoder has detected error or down limit set above up limit. Re-set the open and close limits. If error occurs again, call Technical Services Group

Adjusting the Force Factor (Installation Option, Normally Not Used)

The operator uses the peak force measured during each of the last four complete cycles plus a “force factor” to calculate the maximum allowed force setting for the current door cycle. If the calculated maximum force setting is exceeded during the current door cycle, the operator reacts to the obstruction. As door hardware conditions change over time with weather and wear, the calculation of the maximum door force setting using the four cycle running average will compensate for the current conditions of the installation.

The door force is preset for the lowest amount of pressure on an obstacle to detect an obstruction. THE FACTORY SETTING IS OPTIMIZED FOR MOST INSTALLATIONS.

Changing the Force Factor Setting


As an installation option, the operator’s “force factor” can be adjusted to change the amount of pressure exerted on an obstacle before the operator reacts to the obstruction.

  1. Press both the UP and DOWN buttons for three seconds. The red and green indicators and operator’s light will flash twice.
  2. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to set the force factor. Pressing the UP button increases the force factor, pressing the DOWN button decreases the force factor
  3. After selecting the force factor, press the LEARN button to store the setting and exit setup. The red and green indicators and the operator’s light will fl ash two times. (If the force factor is not set within one minute, the operator will return to normal operation at its previous force factor setting.)
  4. After changing the force factor setting, perform the Safety System Reversal Test.

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